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Special section on book Na jedné lodi


The special issue Za krizí bydlení: koncepty, kontexty, konverzace a kritika (Beyond the Housing Crisis: Concepts, Contexts, Conversations and Critiques) edited by Terezie Lokšová (@LoksovaTerezie) and Tomáš Hoření Samec (@SamecTomas) was just published in Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review. Apart from wonderful papers, it also involves a critical review of and a polemic article to my book Na jedné lodi (In the same boat). Thank you for organising it and inviting me to respond!

Vašát, Petr. 2023. O kontextech a konceptech aneb parhessia ke knize Na jedné lodi. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 59 (2): 243-250



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